Friday, 4 November 2016


Wednesday 26th October

We woke up in our little foresty haven and went for a late leisurely breakfast (we'd already decided today would be a short day to help our legs out a bit). Decided to use the time to catch up on admin, book ferries, work out our route south and how to get home! (crazy time's passed so quickly recently!).

 Then I had a brainwave... The ferry from puerto mont south doesn't leave until Monday, it will only take us two days to cycle there, we love it here and have time to brainer surely!

We booked domo another night and set about being lazy for the rest of the morning.

After a large late lunch in the restaurant, we went hiking. This turned into trail running as we climbed up.through a beautiful forested path overlooking the valley. Then when back down, we ran along the river to see the rapids. All the while Ant had been hoping to stumble across the more natural 'free hot springs' which he'd read about, but at the moment we had little success.

And then he decided to dip his toes in the river water - freezing cold! But wait... There is a family sat further down the river bank... Surely they can't all be loving ice cold tootsies... ! Turned out if you dug deep in the bankside gravel, water flooded in, warmed up and gave you your own personal hot spring! Some kind sole had left a shovel so we got to work - super cool!

We decided to go to the actual outside hot spring (included in dome price) just before it closed so the kiddies would disappear. It was cool, but not quite as cool as the one we dug ourselves!!

An awesome day, lazy yet invigorating and we were looking forward to snuggling up in our domo again tonight.

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