Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Uripa and Hotel Chakas ... mmmm hotel

Uripa is town bigger than Chincheros but not better for it. So much development going on, and much more of an urban feel (not the cute vibe of last night, so we're pleased we stayed there for our anniversary). But this does mean it has a luxury (in our eyes at least) hotel that has the most amazing power shower, warm clean bedding, cable (to watch olympics!), WiFi, and a roast chicken shop... We are literally in heaven.
So bring on tomorrow and the mountain climb...


  1. Ah at last a hot shower? Plotting your route on map so looking forward to next post, safe cycling, much love xx P

  2. It was amazing!! We camped the night before last too so had a wet wipe shower, then found an Amazing hotel in Abancay... With the biggest hot shower ever!! I don't think I've ever been happier!! Lots of love xxx (have screen shotted our routes to help you out ) bus to Cusco tomorrow (Sunday) xxx
