Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Cayfayate - today we shall mostly be drinking wine...!

... Except we won't!
At some point over a lovely (yes you read that right!) breakfast of fruit and pastries, we looked at each other, established we were both looking incredibly rough (thanks darling!) and played the touring lottery - did they have the room for another night? Turned out they did... We almost jumped for joy! So we put our maps away and decided to spend the day exploring all the wine houses in town and drinking the wine.
Well that was the least successful wine drinking I've ever done... (went to only place in town that doesn't serve alcohol, went to vinyard, bought wine, had sip, did not like wine, went to another vinyard got intimidated by posh fast Spanish speaking wine man, ran away, went to wine museum, learnt a lot about wine, did not drink any, they did not offer tastings, gave up, bought apple juice, drank apple juice, went back for siesta). Piss up, brewery, can't and organise spring to mind!! Best stick to cycling from now on :-)
Slept for a couple of hours, then ventured out again. This time for dinner and WINE.
We didn't get wine (this should now not be a surprise to you!), but we did find an awesome sandwich place on the square (el zorrito) for some much needed yummy veggie sandwiches (ahhh vegetables heaven!) and a (few) litre(s) of beer.
At some point, when we'd drank enough beer to be merry, but not enough to be hallucinating, a very large papier mache monkey drove passed us... WHAT?!! Followed by a trailer full of Disney characters, followed by a giant panda!! Then a music stage in the centre of the square (when did that appear?!!) started playing awesome dance music. Our faces lit up. We asked the (surprising friendly for these parts) waitress what was happening, "its the start of the festival of students" was all we could make out. We didn't really know what this meant, but were buzzing from the music and beer and super excited to see what would become of the giant, monkey, panda creatures.
It turned out to be a very slow moving but spectacular carnival with intricately made dinosaurs, preying mantis, ice age characters and replica volcanoes, all carefully welded and hitched up on pulleys to make them move in the most amazing fashion. Our favourite by far was the cycling, roaring 5m dinosaur!
As much as we'd (I) would have loved to stay up all night and partied, it was well past our (Ant's) bed time, so we left the vibrant lights of the square and mooched back to our home for the night.
Tomorrow we would definitely go... Really... Promise! Well put it this way, we shall be much more successful at cycling tomorrow than we were at finding wine today!


  1. so funny, paper machete monkey!! wonderful, hope you soon find wine x

  2. We need pictures of a cycling dinosaur :)
